沢山の方たちから錦織選手へのメーセージを受け取りました。 錦織選手がいかに私たちに「生きる喜びと励まし」を与えてくれているのか、ひしひしと伝わってくる感動のメッセージ集となりました。ありがとうございます。さっそくマネージャーにメールします。
「 Keiは今年はこれで終わりですが、メンタルとフィジカルの面で大きな飛躍発展をとげました。彼の怪我(膝が少し気になる程度)は長いシーズンの終わりによく起こる典型的なものです。このような怪我はプロになった初年によく起こり、また年上の選手たちと戦ったジュニアの選手の過渡期にみられる症状です。先週、Keiに問題がないことを確認するために MRIを撮るように言いましたが、思っていた通り膝にはダメージがなく重大な怪我もありませんでした。
"Kei finished this year and has made very large jumps when it comes to his mental and physical development. His injury (his knee bothering him a bit) is typical of tennis players at the end of a long season. This will resolve with some rest and recovery work. These are injuries we often see when juniors make there transition to their first year on the pro Tour and play with older players. Last week, I ordered Kei to take an MRI to make sure this is nothing serious, and as we projected, the MRI was clean and showed no serious damage or injury.
Kei will take a couple of weeks off and at the end of November we will start getting him ready for the 2009 season. I suspect that his second year on the tour will result in less stress and injuries as it will be his second year on the Tour and he will be a year older."
「 Keiは今年はこれで終わりですが、メンタルとフィジカルの面で大きな飛躍発展をとげました。彼の怪我(膝が少し気になる程度)は長いシーズンの終わりによく起こる典型的なものです。このような怪我はプロになった初年によく起こり、また年上の選手たちと戦ったジュニアの選手の過渡期にみられる症状です。先週、Keiに問題がないことを確認するために MRIを撮るように言いましたが、思っていた通り膝にはダメージがなく重大な怪我もありませんでした。
"Kei finished this year and has made very large jumps when it comes to his mental and physical development. His injury (his knee bothering him a bit) is typical of tennis players at the end of a long season. This will resolve with some rest and recovery work. These are injuries we often see when juniors make there transition to their first year on the pro Tour and play with older players. Last week, I ordered Kei to take an MRI to make sure this is nothing serious, and as we projected, the MRI was clean and showed no serious damage or injury.
Kei will take a couple of weeks off and at the end of November we will start getting him ready for the 2009 season. I suspect that his second year on the tour will result in less stress and injuries as it will be his second year on the Tour and he will be a year older."