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June 11, 2008 Kei Nishikori

K. NISHIKORI/O. Patience
7-6, 6-3

Q. How many times have you played on grass?
KEI NISHIKORI: First time.

Q. You played a Davis Cup match on grass?
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah, but it wasn't great grass.

Q. This is your first tournament?

Q. So it's going all right so far?
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah, it's tough to move. But I'm getting used to it. Getting better and better.

Q. Is it difficult to move sideways or forwards or both?
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah, both. Sideways more.

Q. What about the speed of the ball up the court?
KEI NISHIKORI: It's faster, I guess, yeah.

Q. You played a lot of clay courts, hard courts?
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah. I'm not used to it, so it's tough to play.

Q. What is your ranking now?
KEI NISHIKORI: 115.(TN: えっっっっ!!? 113位ですけど・・・自分のランキングを覚えていない! でもいいですねェ。おおらかなところが。)

Q. 115? (TN:記者もびっくりしたんでしょうね。)
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah, around. (TN: このaroundというところがおもしろい。115あたりじゃないかなぁ~、って)

Q. Do you hope to get into Wimbledon?
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah, main draw.

Q. Main draw?

Q. You should play Rafael Nadal next.

Q. What do you think about that?
KEI NISHIKORI: I mean, it's going to be fun. I mean, it's fun to play like one of best players in the world.
Yeah, it's my favorite player, too.

Q. Why do you like him as a player? What do you like about him?
KEI NISHIKORI: I don't know. He just won the French, like five in a row (sic). It's unbelievable.

Q. What would you like to do in tennis? Where would you like to go? Do you have a target, win a tournament, get a big ranking?
KEI NISHIKORI: Yeah, try to be top 50 end of this year.


June 11, 2008 Rafael Nadal

R. NADAL/J. Bjorkman
6-2, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Rafael.

Q. Nice to be on the grass again?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Happy for be here another year. Always is a pleasure play on grass. Well, for sure the first day, the sensation is a little bit strange. But, anyway, the most important thing is I have one match already play. For be the first day, was good for me. Important thing, I gonna have another match tomorrow.
The most important thing for me, anyway, for sure this tournament is very important. If I can have a very good result here, is going to be very important for me. But if I play some matches, that's the most important thing, for prepare good Wimbledon, no?

Q. How much practice time did you have on the grass between arriving in Paris and actually playing your match?
RAFAEL NADAL: In Monday I play around 1 hour 15. Yesterday I played 2 hours practice before the doubles and, I don't know, 1 hour something for doubles.

Q. Can you tell us what you did on Sunday night after the French Open?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sunday night I have a dinner with the family, with all the people around me, close to me. Later we go to take something.

Q. Champagne?
RAFAEL NADAL: Champagne we take in the dinner, yes. Not too much (smiling).

Q. Can you talk about the mental adjustment of playing on clay one day and practicing the next day on grass, how it is in the head to do that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Mentally it's tough, for sure. The movements are so different. And the feeling when you're touching the ball, too.
When you are playing, you are having memories how you have to play on this surface, no, from the last years. So when you are having more time on court, you remember more things, no? Important thing is have a lot of time on court.

Q. What is the best memory you have of playing on grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: Best memory? Well, for sure I think I have at the same time the best, at the same time the worst. So the final last year in Wimbledon, no?
I played an unbelievable match, but at the same time I lost a good chance for win my favorite tournament, no?

Q. After the way in which you beat Federer in the final at the French, Bjorn Borg, who's record you're threatening at Roland Garros, said he made you a favorite for Wimbledon on the grass. How do you respond to that from a player of such class?
RAFAEL NADAL: Thanks to Bjorn for his words. You know, from outside, for example, if you ask me right now Davydenko is one of the favorites for Wimbledon. Yes, why not? So probably the journalist asked him, Nadal can win Wimbledon? Yes, for sure.

Q. I don't think he made the comment lightly. I think he meant it.
RAFAEL NADAL: I think important thing is arrive there playing well. Going to be very important the first matches. If you can win the first two, three matches, later is a little bit easier. Especially if there is sun, it will be easier because the court is a little bit more tougher, a little bit more easy for me to play.
I know the grass is a difficult surface for me, but probably I play my best tennis in this surface, too.

Q. Having conquered the clay, how special would it be for you to add the Wimbledon title? How special would it be to emulate the achievement of Borg?
RAFAEL NADAL: For me is important to play good in every surface. Grass is another surface. Wimbledon is a very important tournament. But for me is improving every surface. I am still young. I have to continuing improve. I have four Grand Slams already, and I want to have more, if it's possible, one in different surface, no?

Q. Were you able to have any kind of quiet time on the train coming over from Paris?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, was the best moment probably after the victory of French Open.

Q. Did you sleep?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I didn't sleep, no. I sleep good on Sunday night. I go to take something, but I didn't arrive till very late. So, you know, is tough after very important victory. You do like three hours press, anti-doping. Later you go to have the dinner. Another time the press is there. So finally you win and you wake up the next day, and when you wake up you go directly to have the photos.
So the first time when you are with calm enjoying the victory is the train. So was an important moment for me.

Q. Some people are scared to go under the tunnel.

Q. Because they don't like the feeling of the water above. They're in the train. Does it worry you at all?
RAFAEL NADAL: When I am going there, I didn't think about if the water...

Q. Any thoughts on your next opponent? I heard you practiced with him a couple years ago.
RAFAEL NADAL: I practiced with him? I don't remember.
Anyway, how old are he?

Q. 18.
RAFAEL NADAL: 18. Still very, very young. He won a tournament in Delray Beach this year, beating against very good players. Probably one of the next stars, the next top 10s.
The true, I didn't know very well how he's playing. I'm sure tomorrow going to be a tough match, very tough.

Q. When you beat somebody like Jonas, who has a good record on grass, is that a quick confirmation that reminds you how good you can play on grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don't know, no, because is very early. For have the confirmation, you need more practice here. You have to be more comfortable on court because the true, I go out of court and, for sure, if I win 6-2, 6-2, I believe I played a good match, no? But the feelings are strange. I need more days for know if I am playing well or not that well, no, because you have to remember how you win the points here, no? It's completely different.

投稿者 Tennisnakama  22:40 | コメント(7) | トラックバック(0)





英国版Yahoo のEurosportsの欄に錦織選手の記事が大々的に出ていました。「ヨーロスカウト:錦織圭 」(Euroscout: Kei Nishikori)いわゆる注目の新人ということでしょうか。この記事は、圭くんが第1回戦で対戦した、Fallaファジャ(スペイン人に聞いて名前の確認をとりました)との試合を克明に報告したものですが、錦織選手の芝での試合を知る上で貴重な記事です。要約すると以下のようになります。

1回戦:錦織 vs ファジャ: 2-6, 6-4, 6-2

















Hop Hop Nishikori!

投稿者 Tennisnakama  17:43 | コメント(12) | トラックバック(0)



帰ってくるなり、テニスチャンネルをONしますと、なんと錦織 vs ブレイクのあのデルレイビーチの決勝の再放送をやっているではありませんか! Oh! Yes! 久しぶりに観る圭くんのテニスにあの興奮が蘇ってきました。確かにマジシャン。意表を突いたネットからのドロップショット、スライスアングルショット、ジャンピングフォアハンド、バックハンドのインサイドアウトなどなど、ユニークなショットチョイスは、まるでテニスのエンターテイナーのよう。自由に自分の庭で遊んでいる感じです。伸び伸びとして楽しそう。

「I had a lot of fun today!」今日はすごく楽しかった!



“It's going to be fun, I mean, it's fun to play like one of best players in the world. He’s my favorite player, too.”




“He won a tournament in Delray Beach this year, beating very good players.Probably one of the next stars, the next top 10s. I'm sure tomorrow going to be a tough match, very tough.”


世界のチャピオン、ナダルにvery toughとまで言わせた圭くん、どんな試合を見せてくれるのかワクワクしてきます。

残念ながら、テニスチャンネルのライヴ放送は、金曜からとなりますので、木曜のナダル戦は観れません! 試合は 明日ロンドン時間の6時頃から始まります。でも、まずい!この時間はテニスのレッスンの時間です。(汗)



でもこのナダル戦は、世界のメディアが取り上げてくれますから、試合の状況は後でゆっくりネット記事で読む事にします。 (話題の選手と試合してくれると、記事探しは簡単なので助かります)

Vamos Kei!

投稿者 Tennisnakama  10:14 | コメント(6) | トラックバック(0)